July 19 - These two wanted to be just like their Papa tonight and sleep without a shirt on.
July 20 - She gets to be a real camper this week, sleeping in a cabin with friends and leaders and doing activities and all that. First time at sleepaway camp. Glad my big girl isn't really too far from home.
July 21 - Today was water olympics at camp and that included a giant pile of bubbles. Man, these two are gonna be so bored when camp season is over.
July 22 - Feet up, blanket on my lap, and starting a new project. I love this.
July 23 - Picking up one happy camper this morning. However, her happiness didn't last long and through tired tears was greatly missing her new friends this afternoon.
July 24 - Our nearly-5-year-old wanted to get her ears pierced for her birthday, and while she was scared she was also brave. When it was over she cried out, "that hurts!" like we hadn't told her for weeks that it would. But the tears quickly dried and the pride came through. Way to go Dani Lou!
Big sister, on the other hand, after witnessing the piercing promptly declared, "I'm never ever getting my ears pierced!"
July 25 - We had an amazing luau birthday party for Dani this afternoon. So thankful for all the friends and family and camp staff that came to join us.
They clean up pretty good.
Now that is a creative octopus costume.
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