July 26 - Saying goodbye too early to this sweet girl today. Miss Narwhal has been at Camp Indianola for 13 years as a camper and a staffer and I for one am sure hoping she adds one more.
July 27 - This guy rarely makes it on my feed so today I stopped him in the middle of camper registration to take a picture. Director uniform includes shades, hat, staff shirt, radio, and camelbak.
July 28 - The girls made the paper with this picture from the 4th of July parade!
July 29 -Darin's dad and big sister came out for a visit this afternoon. An extra special treat as his sister is visiting from Wisconsin for just a few days.
July 30
July 31 - Painting our bathroom today. So yep, I'm on a ladder in the shower.
August 1 - Did you notice my feed was a little "kid-light" this week? That's because these munchkins have been having an awesome time with their Gran and cousin Caleb at Gran Camp. They went out to dinner their last night and Gran texted me this awesome selfie. Love this crew.
This chunky baby turns 5 today! (July 29)
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