August 30 - Time to say goodbye to these two as we load up the van to head back over the mountain and home. We are going to miss them.
August 31 - Dani and I went back-to-school shopping today, and also ran into her Nana with a load of birthday presents. So here is my happy girl with new shoes and a new doll.
September 1 - Happy Labor Day! Let's celebrate with friends and s'mores.
September 2 - I promised these two (and their dolls) that we would head down to the beach for the last day of "summer" before school starts. Turns out it was blustery and rather cold today, and when the rain started I made them come inside with me for a movie. It was a great end to a fabulous run.
September 3 - And they're off. My Kindergartner and 2nd Grader off to the first day of school.
September 4 - First Seahawks game of the fall! Our basement is in remodel mode, so we enjoyed the game in our living room with an excellent batch of soft pretzels.
September 5 - I took a stock up trip to Winco with a friend today and now my pantry is stocked with non-perishables and we are ready to start cooking some more at home! (Summer dining hall meals certainly spoiled us, but I also missed sitting around our table as a family of 4.)
Adventuring with my peeps on the way home. Can you spot them? #DeceptionFalls
Another quick stop on the way home. #WaysideChapel
Look who we roped into joining us for a last minute lunch! More family fun.
Unbelievable and so cool, the mystery animal in the new school's library is one of the weird animals we learned all about at vbs. We know an axolotl is only found in a small area of Mexico, and apparently in Kingston too.
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