September 13 - The calendar says September but it sure still feels like summer. Taking an afternoon at the beach to read while I watch the girls swim. (This may be the last day for a while of this activity.)
September 14 - We have a pretty awesome dog.
September 15 - Picking the last batch of the year.
September 16 - We're trading date nights once a month with the camp cousins, so we had them on this Tuesday night. I had fun creating a camp-wide treasure hunt, and it turns out running all over camp is a great way to burn some energy. Also, since Daisy is currently the only reader in the bunch, clue reading fell exclusively to her.
September 17 - Also in the middle of having four kids last night, a fifth showed up. We had no idea what that would bring and braced ourselves for a long night. Turned out this girl has proven to be a pretty good sleeper so far and for that we are very thankful.
September 18 - It was feeling a bit dreary outside and in this morning. It is amazing what lighting a few candles does to counteract that dreariness.
September 19 - Morning playing and reading with a baby. Crazy, right? There's a baby back in this house.
Well...that didn't take long.
Oooo! Congrats on having a baby back in the house. Hope this helps with the continued healing in your hearts,
Posted by: Julie | November 09, 2014 at 06:01 PM