October 4 - The camp cousins were sitting at the top of the stairs serenading guests as they come into dinner.
October 5 - This sweet girl came with her family to camp today so I could take some family pictures for them. Needless to say, the girls were super exited to see their friend. And to show her the awesomeness that is the rope swing.
October 6 - Gram and Grampa sent a package today with a present for each of the the girls. Of course, they had to use them right away.
October 7 - This October has been unseasonably warm so far. Today Dani and I ventured out into the leaves in our sandals.
October 8 - It is so fun to have this buffet in my dining room and to be able to treat the top like a mantle to decorate seasonally. My fall decorations are finally starting to come together.
October 9 - I found her cuddling with her bone in her bed tonight. Too cute.
October 10 - Friday night lights! We came to watch Darin's sister cheer and were able to catch a bit of a game as well. The girls had a blast especially as Nana had made them pink tutus so they matched their Aunt.
My adorable apple pickin helper.
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