November 16 - A little Seahawks bling on this Sunday afternoon.
November 17 - We have the sweetest little guy in our home right now and Gypsy isn't sure what to make of him. She is often found nearby and does a funny whine if he starts to make noise.
November 18 - One naps and one does lincoln logs while Daisy is doing her piano lesson. I can't tell you how thankful I am that her studio has this little room down the hall for my Dani girl who isn't the quietest on the planet.
November 19 - This was a pretty serendipitous moment for Daisy. She came home this afternoon super excited to tell me all about Helen Keller and the book she had checked out from the library, and there in the mail was a postcard from her Grandparents who had just visited Helen Keller's childhood home. Daisy was so excited to take the postcard to school, and even more excited when her Grampa did a whole blog post about their trip. I miss my parents all the time, but it is pretty cool when they have adventures like this one to write home about.
November 20 - Well, I have a job AND a baby, so I guess that calls for some multitasking.
November 21 - Such fun to have a hairdresser who is also a friend. She came over tonight with her daughter for pizza and gave us haircuts in the kitchen. What a deal!
November 22 - My view while hanging at the rope swing this afternoon.
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