November 30 - We found our tree! Darin really wants a tall one this year now that we have vaulted ceilings. We'll see how it goes!
December 1 - At 5 am there was a knock on our door and a very excited Dani. Her tooth had been loose for days and we warned her it could fall out in the night. Turns out it did last night but it was stuck between her lip and her gums. Today she is wavering between thrilled that she is getting bigger and sad that she "doesn't look like Dani anymore."
December 2 - Supper club tonight included a mini-recital of some Christmas songs she's learning. Some day she'll be able to play while we all sing along and it will make my heart burst because tonight almost did.
December 3 - I've got a new accessory for the next 48 hours as we try to figure out what is happening with this heart of mine. (Update: all is well.)
December 4 - This kid is hilarious. I found her watching Netflix on a tablet in the office this afternoon, sitting just like this. How that is comfortable, I'll never know. (Oh, and that bear is her new best friend. His name is Marshmallow and he was lovingly rescued from the lost and found.)
December 5 - I spent the night crafting with some girls at my friend's new shop. Along with several other small projects, this book ornament got finished.
December 6 - The scene from my house on this Saturday morning. Everyone is enjoying this little guy we are watching for the weekend.
Tree hunting in the snow is extra magical. Thanks @debdriver for the hat keeping me toasty warm.
Yep, she's tall, but she fits.
Happy birthday Maezie!
Hunting for sea glass on a windy afternoon.
Four out of the five of us had an awesome time driving through Bethlehem tonight. Let's just say the youngest of the bunch was not so happy with the carseat.
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