October 18 - Enjoying Darin's favorite (PASTA!) for his birthday dinner.

October 19 - Starting the morning with a little wrestling.
October 20 - Seems I missed one day this year.

October 21 - A little starbucks and doughnut this morning with my girl. I love her chocolate-covered face.

October 22 - It's Conference Week, which means no school. But then Mandi and Eli got super sick, with Josh out of town. So Maezie came over to play for the day. And since the three princesses requested lunch delivered to them in the castle tent, how could I refuse?

October 23 - Breakfast for dinner at our house tonight means a happy doggy licking the egg bowl. (And getting just a smidge on her nose.)

October 24 - Turns out rainbow looms aren't just for making bracelets. Daisy has been using it to write out names lately. She even carefully makes them rainbow. Can you tell what name she did tonight?

Not a bad view for a morning run. #spokane#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

She may be 7 but she is not too big for a cozy coupe.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

There's a lot of cute blonde girls in this hot tub.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

"This is the art of celebration, knowing we are free from condemnation." #rendcollective #bubbles#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Confetti too! This band is amazing at leading and encouraging and giving us glimpses of worship at the throne. #rendcollective #DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Epic photo bomb birthday boy. Well done.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

It is some good friends who host you for the weekend, serve your favorite dinner, stock the fridge with cherry coke just for you, and babysit your kids for a night. Thanks for a wonderful weekend Eddy family. Let us know when we can return the favor for you. Indianola is pretty sweet too. #DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Finding treasures at the rest area.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Oh Cle Elum dairy queen, you are always helpful on road trips. #DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Snoqualmie pass sure is beautiful this time of year.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend

Snoqualmie pass sure is beautiful this time of year.#DarinsBirthdayWeekend
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